David Reviews: Five Stars for Max Barden and Droga 5 for Meat & Livestock Australia
15 January 2025
"A standout piece of commentary", Max Barden's latest work with Droga5 for Meat & Livestock Australia's summer lamb campaign "The Comments Section" has just been named pick of the week and received a 5 star review from David Reviews.

The full review:
"More often than not, it's best to steer clear of the comments section—an even more wretched hive of scum and villainy than Mos Eisley. Australian Lamb, however, is brave/stupid enough to dive in head first, and the results are fantastic.
Buckle up, everyone, because "this film was made with 100% real online comments". May God have mercy on us all.
No one and nothing is safe from online discourse, portrayed here as bums on seats in a grandstand. Dog groomers, wind turbines, old ladies, AI slop, and Raygun ("If cringe could kill you, this would be a lethal dose!") are all at the mercy of Statler and Waldorf's digital offspring. What Australia needs is something to unite it.
That thing, of course, is lamb, vegans and vegetarians be damned in as polite a manner as possible. Mindful of a potential backlash, one character says; "I hope people post nice comments about this ad," followed by a nervous look straight down the barrel of the camera.
It's the cherry tomato on top of a standout piece of commentary."