
Dot first came onto our radar when an agency producer told us about this incredibly smart, brilliantly talented young director they’d just worked with; “You’d love her” they said. They weren’t wrong.

Dorothy directs documentary, fiction and theatre, weaving themes and techniques from each through them all, creating a body of work that has a raw truth and power throughout.

In Dorothy’s own words “pretentious as it sounds, it really was my love of European art cinema as a teenager, in particular the French New Wave, that sparked my love of films and made me want to make them”.

Dorothy, or ‘Dot’ as she is often known, co-founded the publication ‘Another Gaze: A Feminist Film Journal’ with her friend Daniella Shreir shortly after they met in Paris in 2016. For many years Dot led the interview series 'Portrait of a Filmmaker' and after carrying out countless interviews with female directors over the years she decided to put what she’d learnt from them into practice and start making her own films. 

Dot, learnt the ropes by shooting and editing her own work. Some of her first films were documentaries about things friends were going through. Her practice is grounded in a deep interest in other people and a will to raise social consciousness. “I realise my main love is people and everything else, including my desire to make films, stems from that. So the process is just as important as the final film for me”. 

The Sweetshop